Wednesday, 30 December 2015

Before Insert Trigger

As discussed before we have clear idea about  trigger and context variable .Lets start before insert trigger .
 Basically trigger is the most important part in  project ,why because when ever we will do any DML the trigger will execute always .We can restrict execution of code inside but not the trigger .
Still trigger should always bulkified so that all data should mapped properly ,If data will wrong then there is no meaning of software development .To maintain data we should write proper trigger  code .

Trigger BeforeInsertTriggerDemo on Account(before insert ){
   for(Account acc ){


Lets have some discussion on the above code .
Line number one which basically we can say syntax of trigger .or signature of trigger .
All trigger should start with Trigger key word next to the trigger is a Name of trigger . then on which object you need to write trigger that object name you need to add after on .
Name of the trigger should be a justified name which we can  give up to 255 character,

Object name you need to give the api name in which object you need to write trigger . 
Next to object name you need to add the event within the bracket .

Here I have added before insert, however we can add all seven event separated by comma .
 Next line is for loop ,why for loop we all developer knowingly or unknowingly writing this line .  
 As is of type list which contains the list of manipulated records ,So we are implementing list iterator for loop in apex here .
Basically in case of  before insert   the record is not inserted in database .So we can assign any value to the fields  .
Second line the loop will iterate based on your record size .Suppose are going to insert 1000 account record then your loop will iterate 1000 times .

Now as per 3rd line each records name will prefixed by Before context .

We can add validation in trigger also .Observe  below trigger .Here I have added a validation that from a multiselect picklist you can only  select 2 values .

trigger MultiSelectPickListRestriction  on Account (before insert,before update ) {
  for (Account acc ){
    if(acc.MultiPickList__c.split(';').size() >2 ){
        acc.addError('You can only select any two values');

Lets check what is not available in before insert context .
Basically in before insert context id and audit fields are not available .Why because the record is not yet inserted in database .So once record will save to data base then only those fields will available .

Some people says DML is not possible in before context .I think it is partially correct .Because DML is not possible in same object or record ,however if you have any relationship(Master Detail /Lookup ) fields then you can collect the id and do DML on those records .

One more thing which we have already discussed in before insert there is not concept of Map as Id is not there in before context .Also no old concepts as record is completely new .
I think before insert part is clear .we will discuss before update next very soon  enjoy  :)


Wednesday, 4 November 2015

apex:inputFile can not be used in conjunction with an action component, apex:commandButton or apex:commandLink that specifies a rerender or oncomplete attribute.

This is the basic problem in apex .So we can use html input file and java script to solve this type of issue .

Below code will help you avoid the issue .

Visual force Page
<apex:page id="pgid" controller="InputFileUsingHtmlJavaScript">
<apex:form id="frm">
<input type="file" id="fileId" name="attFile" /><br/>
<apex:actionFunction name="passToController" action="{!doAttachment}" reRender="frm">
<apex:param name="fname" value="" assignTo="{!filename}" />
<apex:param name="body" value="" assignTo="{!body}"/>
<apex:commandButton value="Save" onclick="remoteLocationPost();" />
var blobfile;
function getAsText(readFile) {
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = attLoaded;
function attLoaded(evt) {  
var fileString =;
blobfile = fileString;
var  input = document.getElementById("fileId");
var filename= input.value;          
function remoteLocationPost(){
var fbody= document.getElementById("fileId").files[0];
Apex Class 
  public class InputFileUsingHtmlJavaScript{
    public String filename{get;set;}
    public String body{get;set;}
    public void doAttachment(){ 
        Attachment at=new Attachment();
at.Parentid=//Needs to add your record id below which you need attachment ;
Insert at;

Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Export All fields with Field Label API Name and DataType of an Selected Sobject

Below code will  help you to select one sObject and by clicking on get fields button ,it will display
field level and API name and the data type of it .

By clicking on the link you can export detail into an excel sheet .

public class FetchSelectedObjectFields {
    public String selectedObject {get; set;}
    public List <InrPair> InrField {get; set;}
    public List <SelectOption> objectNames {get; set;}
    public Boolean showTable {get; set;}
    public Boolean showButton {get; set;}
    public Boolean displayPB2 {get; set;}
    public Map <String, Schema.SObjectType> schemaMap = Schema.getGlobalDescribe();
    public FetchSelectedObjectFields() {
        objectNames = initObjNames();
        InrField = new List<InrPair>();
        showTable = false;
        showButton = false;
        displayPB2 = false;
    private List<SelectOption> initObjNames() {
        List<SelectOption> objNames = new List<SelectOption>();
        objNames.add(new SelectOption('blank', '--Select Object--'));
        List<Schema.SobjectType> obj = Schema.getGlobalDescribe().Values();
        for(Schema.SobjectType ss:obj) {
            objNames.add(new SelectOption(ss.getDescribe().getName(), ss.getDescribe().getName()));
        return objNames;
   // Find the InrField for the selected object
    public void showFields() {
       if(selectedObject != 'blank') {
            Map <String, Schema.SObjectField> fieldMap = schemaMap.get(selectedObject).getDescribe().fields.getMap();
            for(Schema.SObjectField sfield : fieldMap.Values()) {
                schema.DescribeFieldResult dfield = sfield.getDescribe();
                    InrPair fld = new InrPair();
                    fld.key = dfield.getName();
                    fld.val = dfield.getLabel();
                    fld.type = string.valueof(dfield.getType());
            showTable = true;
            showButton = true;
            displayPB2 = true;
         else {
            showTable = false;
            showButton = false;
            displayPB2 = false;
    public PageReference exportData() {
        PageReference pf = new PageReference('/apex/fetchObjData');
        pf.getParameters().put('objVal', selectedObject);
        return pf;
    public class InrPair {
        public String key {get; set;}
        public String val {get; set;}
        public string type {get; set;}
<apex:page controller="FetchSelectedObjectFields" sidebar="false" >
 <apex:form >
  <apex:pageBlock id="pb1" >
   <apex:outputLabel ><b>Objects :</b></apex:outputLabel>&nbsp;
   <apex:selectList value="{!selectedObject}" size="1">
    <apex:actionSupport event="onchange"  reRender="detail"/>
    <apex:selectOption itemLabel="--Select Object--" itemValue="blank" />
    <apex:selectOptions value="{!objectNames}"/>
    <apex:commandButton value="Get Fields" action="{!showFields}" reRender="pb2"  status="fetchStatus" />&nbsp;  
     <apex:actionStatus id="fetchStatus" >
    <apex:facet name="start">
     <img src="/img/loading.gif" class="waitingImage" title="Please Wait..."/>
  <apex:pageBlock id="pb2" > 
  <apex:outputPanel rendered="{!displayPB2}" >
   <apex:commandLink value="Export To Excel" action="{!exportData}" rendered="{!showButton}" target="_blank" style="font-weight:bold; font-size:15px; color:red" /> <br/><br/>
   <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!InrField}" var="fls" rendered="{!showTable}" >
    <apex:column headerValue="Field Value" value="{!fls.val}" />
    <apex:column headerValue="Field Name" value="{!fls.key}" />
    <apex:column headerValue="Field Type" value="{!fls.type}" />               
   </apex:pageBlockTable>    <br/><br/>
public class ExportFieldDetailInExcel {
    public List<InrPair> InrField {get; set;}
    public string str;
    public Map <String, Schema.SObjectType> schemaMap = Schema.getGlobalDescribe();
    public ExportFieldDetailInExcel() {
        str = ApexPages.CurrentPage().getParameters().get('objVal');
            InrField = new List<InrPair>();
            if(str != 'blank') {
                Map <String, Schema.SObjectField> fieldMap = schemaMap.get(str).getDescribe().fields.getMap();
                for(Schema.SObjectField sfield : fieldMap.Values()) {
                    schema.DescribeFieldResult dfield = sfield.getDescribe();
                    InrPair fld = new InrPair();
                    fld.key = dfield.getName();
                    fld.val = dfield.getLabel();
                    fld.type = string.valueof(dfield.getType());
         }catch(Exception e) {}  
    public class InrPair {
        public String key {get; set;}
        public String val {get; set;}
        public string type {get; set;}
<apex:page controller="ExportFieldDetailInExcel" contentType="application/{!$CurrentPage.Parameters.objVal}.xls" cache="true" standardStylesheets="false"  sidebar="false" showHeader="false" >
    <apex:pageBlock >
        <apex:dataTable value="{!InrField}" var="fls"  >
            <apex:column headerValue="Field Value" value="{!fls.val}" />
            <apex:column headerValue="Field Name" value="{!fls.key}" />
            <apex:column headerValue="Field Type" value="{!fls.type}" />               

Monday, 21 September 2015

Roll up Summery Trigger

Sales force provided standard roll up field facility in case of master detail relationship.However if you have lookup relationship and you want to built that functionality you need to built through trigger .
Below one example which has some  generic API names needs to  replace with specific .

1.Child_Object__c  needs to replace with child object API .
2.Parent_Object__c needs to replace with parent  object API
3.LookUpFld__c needs to replace with the lookup field API .
4.Parent_Fld_To__c  needs to replace with the parent filed to which roll up amount will update .
5.Child_Fld_From__c  Needs to replace with child field from the value will roll up .

trigger RollUpFromChildToParent on Child_Object__c ( after insert, after update,after delete,after undelete) {
Set<Id> prIdSet=new Set<Id>();
List<Parent_Object__c> pListToUpdate=new List<Parent_Object__c>();
if(Trigger.isInsert || Trigger.isUpdate || Trigger.isUndelete){
for(Child_Object__c cobj :{
   if(cobj.LookUpFld__c != null)
  for(Child_Object__c cobj : Trigger.old){
if(cobj.LookUpFld__c != null)
   for(AggregateResult res : [SELECT LookUpFld__c,sum(Child_Fld_From__c)can FROM Child_Object__c WHERE LookUpFld__c IN :prIdSet GROUP BY LookUpFld__c]) {
     pListToUpdate.add(new Parent_Object__c(Id=(Id)res.get('LookUpFld__c'),Parent_Fld_To__c=(Double)res.get('can')));
 update pListToUpdate;
}catch(DmlException de){

Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Schedule Apex in Depth

In general English Schedule means  a ​list of the ​times when ​events are ​planned to ​happen . 
What I believe that all naming convention are always with justification .So according to that in simple way if you want to planned any thing in future know as schedule .
Sales force has given that facility in apex ,report,data loader etc .

The class which implements the Schedulable interface is know as Schedule class in apex.
 We can execute that class in future automatically as per our need ,still have some limitations will discuss later .

We can schedule a class with help of standard sales force UI or by executing schedule method in system class .

Lets discuss in detail :

Basically Schedulable  Interface has only one method execute .

Below is the signature of the method which is in  System Names Space.

public void execute(SchedulableContext context) 

To know more detail about this method and class you can click  link  Interface Detail.

Once you will implement this interface then you need to implement execute method .

In execute method signature we need to pass instance of SchedulableContext what exactly it is and
why we have to pass this in method .
Again it is one more interface in Apex which has one method which will return the Id of corn trigger Object which stores the detail about the schedule Job.
You can look into the signature of the method which returns an id which is the CornTrigger record related to Schedule Job.

There are two objects related to Schedule apex .
1,Corn Detail

  •    Contains details about the associated scheduled job, such as the job’s name and type. 
  •    This object is available in API version 29.0 and later.
  •    Name contains the name of the job we are giving while executing the schedule class .
  •    Type is picklist which contains "7" for schedule apex ,As same object create record when we         are scheduling from any source i,e apex,report,data export .

2.Corn Trigger

  •      Contains schedule information for a scheduled job.
  •      Object is available in API version 17.0 and later.
  •       Major fields in this object are    below 

      1. CronExpression (while executing the class we are passing 3 parameter this is one )
      2. CronJobDetailId(Id od the corn detail)
      3.  StartTime(when the job started )
      4. EndTime(Till what time this job is schedule)
      5. PreviousFireTime(recently when the job fired)
      6. NextFireTime(Next when it will fire )
      7. TimesTriggered(How many times the job fired)
      8. State(Current job in which state),below are the picklist values

                                     WAITING—Job is waiting for execution.
                                    ACQUIRED—Job has been picked up by the system and is about
                                                             to execute.
                                    EXECUTING—The job is executing.
                                    COMPLETE—Trigger has fired and is not scheduled to fire again.
                                    ERROR—The trigger definition has an error.
                                    DELETED—The job has been deleted.
                                   PAUSED—This state during patch and major releases.After the  release, the                                                              job state is automatically set to WAITING or another state.

public Id getTriggerId()

To know more detail about this method and class you can click  link 

How to write Schedule class .

global class scheduledDemo implements Schedulable {
   global void execute(SchedulableContext scon) {
      //Here we need to write Business logic or we can call other class .

Now this class you can either schedule with standard UI as discussed or you can schedule  by executing some code .

How to Schedule using standard UI .

To Schedule any class we need to follow below steps
Setup >> ApexClasses >> Click on Button (Schedule Apex)

Below image we need to give one name and the class which we need to schedule .Below image is for weekly view ,we can also select monthly view .

In case our requirement will not fulfill in standard UI ,we should build our own expression to achieve.

Lets discuss :

Friday, 28 August 2015

How to get RecordType Id in apex without SOQL

Basically to avoid SOQL Limit we can use dynamic apex to get RecordTypeId . So we can get a particular record type Id of a particulat Sobject or we can get all recordType id of one sobejct in map .
Here I have created one util class which has two methods .One will give you Id of particular recordType , however we need to pass the Sobejct Name and recordType Name as parameter .

Second method will return you a map of all recordType name and related Id ,where we need to pass only sobject name .

public class RecordTypeUtil {
     //Method to get the  recordTypeId 
     Public static Id recordTypeId(string obj,string recName){
        Id recTypeId;
        if(obj!= null && recName != null){
            recTypeId= Schema.getGlobalDescribe().get(obj).getDescribe().getRecordTypeInfosByName().get(recName).getRecordTypeId();
        return recTypeId;  
    //Method to get the map of recordType Name as key and recordTypeId as value 
     Public static Map<String,Id> recordTypeMap(string obj){
        Map<String,Id> recTypeNameWithIdMap=new Map<String,Id>();
        if(obj!= null){
            for(Schema.RecordTypeInfo recInfo : Schema.getGlobalDescribe().get(obj).getDescribe().getRecordTypeInfosByName().values()){
        return recTypeNameWithIdMap;

Both are static methods you can call with class name like below .
Example 1.

Id recId=RecordTypeUtil.recordTypeId('Account','Draft');

Example 2.

Map<String,Id> recTypeIdMap=RecordTypeUtil.recordTypeMap('Account');
If you want only single record type Id then you can also use below code which 
 will give you particular record type id of a object . Just replace object name/record type 
Name of your desired .
Id recordTypeId = Schema.SObjectType.OBJECT NAME.getRecordTypeInfosByName().get('RecordType Name').getRecordTypeId(); 

I think this will help please suggest to improve .

Wednesday, 1 July 2015


Basically all developer using  the above code , I had a confusion when I have used this first time . At that time apex pdf does not have clear definition of methods and classes .
This is the concept of method chaining .

I have divided into 3 steps to know detail concept behind it .

ApexPages is a class in which CurrentPage is a method which returns a PageReference .

Click on the link ApexPages_methods to know about the method and other methods as well .

As step one returns a PageReference  now we can use PageReference method in step2
getParemeters() is a method in PageReference class which retuns a Map .

Click on the link PageReference_methods to know about the method and other methods as well .

Step 3 :-

As step2 returns Map so we can use map methods in step3 .
Click on the link Map_methods to know about the method and other methods as well .

What else we can do with it : -

1.You can get the full url by using belwo code :


2.You can get the IP address from belwo code .


Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Tips and Tricks For Test Class

Why we  need to write test class ? Some people will answer like we need code coverage to deploy code to production, as we don't have right to write code in production directly  . Yes it is correct but not 100 percent  .Test class  basically helps us to test our functionality of code which is important to develop  a better application . So we should not concentrate only code coverage though it is required  .
We should write proper test case to test all types of scenario . We should not happy with 75 % code coverage ,we should try to achieve 100 % coverage with all test scenario like  positive ,negative and bulk unit test .

Below points we should know as a developer :-

  • Test class must start with @isTest annotation if class class version is more than 25
  • Test environment support @testVisible, @testSetUp as well
  • Unit test is to test particular piece of code working properly or not .
  • Unit test method takes no argument ,commit no data to database ,send no email ,flagged with testMethod keyword .
  • To deploy to production at least 75% code coverage is required and al test case should pass .
  • System.debug statement are not counted as a part of apex code coverage .
  • Test method and test classes are not counted as a part of code coverage .
  • We should not focus on the  percentage of code coverage ,we should make sure that every use case should covered including positive, negative, bulk and single record .
  • Single Action -To verify that the the single record produces the correct and expected result .
  • Bulk action -Any apex record trigger ,class or extension must be invoked for 1-200 records .
  • Positive behavior : Test every expected behavior occurs through every expected permutation , i,e user filled out every correctly data and not go past the limit .
  • Negetive Testcase :-Not to add future date ,Not to specify negative amount.
  • .Restricted User :-Test whether a user with restricted access used in your code .
  • .Conditional and ternary operator are not considered executed unless both positive and negative branches are executed .
  • Unit test are class methods that verify whether a particular piece of code is error free or not .
  • Test class should be annoted with isTest .
  • isTest annotation with test method  is equivalent to  testMethod keyword .
  • Test method should static and no void return type .
  • Test class and method default access is private ,no matter to add access specifier .
  • Classes with isTest annotation can't be a interface or enum .
  • Test method code can't be invoked by non test request .
  • Stating with salesforce API 28.0 test method can not reside inside non test classes .
  • @Testvisible annotaion to make visible private methods inside test classes.
  • Test method can not be used to test webservice call out .Instaed use call out mock .
  • You cann't  send email fron test method.
  • User,profile,organisation,AsyncApexjob,Corntrigger,RecordType,ApexClass,ApexComponent,ApexPage we can access without (seeAllData=true) .
  • SeeAllData=true will not work for API 23 version eailer .
  • Acessing static resource test records in test class e,g List<Account> accList=Test.loadData(Account,SobjectType,'ResourceName').
  • Create Test Factory class with isTest annotation to exclude from organization code size limit .
  • @testSetup to create test records once in a method  and use in every test method in the test class .
  • We can run unit test for a specific class, set of classes and all classes .
  • We can run unit test by using Salesforce Standard UI, IDE ,Console ,API.
  • Maximum number of test classes run per 24 hour of period is  not grater of 500 or 10 multiplication of test classes of your organization.
  • As apex runs in system mode so the permission and record sharing are not taken into account . So we need to use system.runAs to enforce record sharing .
  • System.runAs will not enforce user permission or field level permission .
  • Every test to runAs count against the total number of DML issued in the process . 

Below code snippet help you to start writing test class :-

Test class definition :-
Sample 1-
private class MyTestClass {}
Sample 2-Grant test classes to  access  all data in the organization.
private class MyTestClass {}
Sample 3: Specify whether test class execute during package installation or not 
private class MyTestClass {}
Test method definition :- Sample 1-with testmethod keyword . static testMethod void testName() { // code_block } Sample 2:-Here we can avoid testMethod with @isTest annotation which will help us to get benifit of parameters indivisually incase not there in class level . @isTest static void testName() { // code_block }

Below tips  helps us to move towards 100 % code coverage :-

1.Tips for standardcontroller

ApexPages.standradController con=ApexPages.StandradController(Needs to pass the instance of the standard/Custom Object);


ApexPages.standradSetController con=ApexPages.StandradSetController(Needs to pass the list of the standard/Custom Object);

3.For wrapper class

ClassName.WrapperclassName wrp=new ClassName.WrapperclassName();

4.Test code catch block .

We need to create a excption in test method to cover .We can do in two different ways one suppose we want an excption on update .we can do like below .

 Trick 1-

Account acc =new Account();
  insert/update acc;
}catch(Exception ex){}
As mandatory fields are missing it will throw exception and it will cover the catch block .
Trick 2-We need to add two line  of code in class like below .
   DML statement;
Integer intTest =20/0;
} catch(Exception ex){
ApexPages.Message msg = new              ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.error,qe.getMessage());
There is a class named Test in apex which has some method which help us to write some useful test case   Test class method

Batch Apex in Depth

Basics of batch apex :-

Apex class that implements the Database.Batchable Interface is known as batch class .
We are basically using batch apex to avoid some governor limits .
There are two interface in  Database Namespace .
Below are methods in Batchable interface
Public System.Iterable start(Database.BatchabelContext bcon)
Public Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchabelContext bcon)
Public void execute(Database.BatchableContext bc,List<Sobject> scope)
Public void finish(Database.BatchableContext bc)
Below are the methods in the interface
 Public Id getJobId()
 public Id getChildJobId()
Basic thing is that once you will implement Batchable interface in your class you have to implement three methods in that interface .

Flow is that when you execute your class start method will execute once and return a list in two different form as we have two types of return type in start method .
The list which will return from the start method will available in execute methods scope execute method will execute according to your batch size .
Assume that you have 1000 record ,if you set your batch size as 100 then your execute method will execute 10 times .
Finally the finish method will execute once the execute method will complete the execution .
Basically in the signature of all method one common parameter we are passing named BatchabelContext, this is to get the batch  JobId and childJobId .
Both method returns the id of  "AsyncApexJob" object record , where  both have self relationship and child record will have different type and contain the last executed record id .

How to write simple  batch class :-

Below example will help you to update all account name with post fix as UpdatedbatchApex .
Here start method will return a list of account which will pass to the scope of execute method ,scope size will depends on your batch size which you will defined while executing the batch class . 

  global class AccountUpdateBatch implements Database.Batchable<sObject>{
    global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext BC){
        String query = 'SELECT Id,Name FROM Account';
        return Database.getQueryLocator(query);
    global void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC, List<Account> scope){
         for(Account acc : scope){
             acc.Name = acc.Name +'UpdatedByBatch';            
         update scope;
    global void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC){ }

How to execute the batch apex :-
In Database class there are two static method
executeBatch(Instance Of class )
excecuteBatch(InstanceOf batch class ,batchsize )

If you want to defined any limit of record to pass into execute method per execution then you need to use second method .Batch size can very from 1-2000.
If you will call first method then it will take the default batch size as 200.

Batch Apex Governor Limits:-
  • All methods in the class must be defined as global or public.
  • Up to 5 batch jobs can be queued or active concurrently.
  • In a running test, you can submit a maximum of 5 batch jobs.
  • The maximum number of batch Apex method executions per a 24-hour period is 250,000 or the number of user licenses in your organization multiplied by 200, whichever is greater.
  • You cannot use the getContent and getContentAsPDF PageReference methods in a batch job.
  • The start, execute, and finish methods can implement up to 10 callouts each.
  • In a running test, you can submit a maximum of 5 batch jobs.
  • A maximum of 50 million records can be returned in the Database.QueryLocator object. If more than 50 million records are returned, the batch job is immediately terminated and marked as Failed.
  • Start method can have up to 15 query cursors open at a time per user.
  • Execute and finish methods each have a limit of five open query cursors per user.

Tuesday, 5 May 2015

Restrict User To Select Past Date Using Custom Date Picker

In salesforce standard date picker we can not restrict user to select past date so we need to write validation .
Below code will help to restrict user to select past dates without validation .

//VF pages
<apex:page id="pg" controller="CustomDatePicker">
    <script src="//"></script>
    <script src="//"></script>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="/resources/demos/style.css" />
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="//" />
        $('.datepicker').datepicker({ minDate: 0 }).on('changeDate', function(ev){
    <apex:form id="frm">
        <apex:inputText id="datepicker" styleClass="datepicker"  value="{!currentDateValue}"/>
        <apex:commandButton action="{!getValue}" value="getvalue"/>

 //Apex class
 public class CustomDatePicker {
    public String currentDateValue { get; set; }
    public void getValue(){
//Below script will help you to get date in different format
        $('.datepicker').datepicker({minDate: 0 ,dateFormat: 'dd/mm/yy' }).on('changeDate', function(ev){

I will suggest to down load the JQuery Librery from below link and add in static resource and use in page .